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Pinout EDM PM5 and P04


EDM PM5/P04 (D15B2), PM6 (D16A9/D16Z5), PW0 (B16A1)



On this page I present a number of OBD0 pinouts known to me. There are small differences between the 4th gen and 5th gen Civic D15B2 engines. The first has the PM5 ECU and the latter one has the P04 ECU. The pinout is based on the P04, small differences in the PM5 are marked between brackets ( - ).


DPFi or D15B2 sheme for 5th gen Civic (4th gen Civic colours and functions are between brackets)



Nomenclature DPFi:

ACC -   A/C relay

ACS -   A/C switch

ALTF -  Alternator switch

CKP -   Crankshaft position, (P)ulse or (M)ass, gives several pulses (~20?) during each cam shaft rotation

ECT -    Engine coolant temperature

FLR -    Fuel relay

IACV - Idle air control valve, controls the 2 wire type IACV valve

IAT -     Intake air temperature

ICM -    Ignition pulses

IGP -    Battery feed, only active when key is turned

INJ -     Injector, AUX for auxilry and MAIN for MAIN injectors, the wires go from 4 to 2 about 30 cm from the ECU

ITAC -   Ignition timing connector, same timing functionality as SCS, but no error code reading (read from LED instead)  

LG -      Ground for battery circuit

MAP -   Manifold absolute pressure

MIL -     Motor indication light, this one gives the control engine light (CEL) signal

PA -     Atmosferic pressure

PCS -   Control solenoid, this one is for the small black cylindric valve on the back of the IM

PG -     Ground for battery circuit

PO2S - Primary oxygen sensor signal

SCS -   Service connector switch, checks if the SCS connector is hot wired (for reading engine error codes)

SG -     Ground for 5V circuit, 1 is for the MAP sensor, 2 is for the other sensors

STS -    Starter switch

TCS -    Tandem valve control solenoid

TDC -    Top dead centre, (P)ulse or (M)ass, gives four pulses during each cam shaft rotation

TPS -    Throttle position signal

VBU -   Back up battery feed, always active (unless battery is removed)

VCC -   5V feed, 1 is for the MAP sensor, 2 is for the other sensors

VSS -   Vehicle speed sensor


MPFi sheme for 4th gen Civic and 2nd gen CRX (D16A9 specific pins are in grey, B16A1 specific pins are between brackets, for D16Z5 see below)


Nomenclature changes for MPFi:

CKP -   Same as for DPFi, however located at a different location

CYP -   Cylinder position, (P)ulse or (M)ass, gives one pulse during each cam shaft rotation

DSCV-  Unknown (probably solenoid  located near IM), found on D16A9 and D16Z5

IMA -    Idle mixture adjustment, found on D16A9, the D16Z5 has ITAC instead

INJ -     Injector, the number refers to the cylinder used (1 is on the side with the belts)

SO2S - Secondary oxygen sensor signal on B16A1

VTM -   Oil pressure switch, only present on B16A1

VTS -    VTEC solenoid, only present on B16A1


A10 connects to a solenoid on B16A1 engines. The function and location of this solenoid are unknown to me. I never had problems leaving this wire unconnected in OBD1 conversions. Beware of mixing up 5th gen DPFi CKP and MPFi CYP wires. They have the same colors, though different functionalities! About the D16Z5 engines I have some doubts. I do not know for instance if it has the DSCV and PA connections. Pins B20 and C16 need some clarification. In basic the cars without a catalyc converter (D16A9 in this case) have ITAC on C16 and use IMA (it is just a screw on a potentiometer) on B20 for the correct mixture. Cars with catalyc converters (D16Z5 and B16A1 in this case) have ITAC on B20 and use the lambda sensor to monitor the idle mixture.


Any questions and/or remarks send them to me.


Dodo Bizar



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